Ebony Ann Fawcett was born May 25, 2005. As a toddler Ebony was first diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. On May 25, 2010 God blessed her with a "Forever Family."
Ebony endured countless surgeries, procedures, radiation treatments, chemotherapy, labs, transfusions, MIBG scans, x-rays, CT’s and other medical testing’s.
Growing up in a medical environment never stopped Ebony. Ebony was wise beyond her years. Ebony loved to read and her smile could fill a room. Ebony enjoyed drawing.
Ebony battled 3 relapses with her cancer while NEVER losing her faith in God. On July 8, 2014 at 1:08p.m. Ebony Ann was surrounded by her mom, grandma, grandpa, uncle and doctor when God called her home.
To fulfill Ebony's wishes her family is "paying it forward" by providing activities which can be done while being hospitalized.
Energized by Ebony started with a conversation between Ebony and her mom, Beth Ann when Ebony explained she wanted to help kids like her “Keep Smiling”. Ebony and Beth Ann were able to do this together twice. When Ebony knew she would not be able to help with this she told Beth Ann that she could do this for Ebony and it would help Beth Ann when God called Ebony to Heaven. Energized by Ebony has grown from 25 coloring books and 25 boxes of crayons to a stock area in four rooms of their home and a storage shed in their backyard. As the number of children they help increases so does the need for more donations of activities to increase.
October of 2014 Energized by Ebony began to honor the wishes Ebony made to Beth Ann. Energized by Ebony bags help families “Keep Smiling & Keep Making Memories” while in the hospital. The foundation has allowed Beth Ann to work through her grief by helping others. No child or parent should have to endure what Ebony and Beth Ann endured. Until they are reunited Beth Ann will do as Ebony wanted and help kids like her smile.
Energized by Ebony is a 501©3 which provides New Diagnosis Kits and homemade Monthly Activity Bags to Pediatric Oncology Patients. The activities in the bags assist the children and their families to “Keep Smiling & Keep Making Memories” while they are in the hospital for treatment of the cancer that has invaded their young bodies. At the end of April 2022, Energized by Ebony has provided over 5103 Monthly Activity Bags and 32 New Diagnosis Kits since October of 2014 when our Foundation began.
The New Diagnosis Kits consist of a backpack for the child filled with a pencil box of supplies and more activities than one child can do in a day and a large zipper pouch which is given to the parent/caregiver of the child. It is filled with items often forgotten to be taken to the hospital. A few examples of those items would be: fuzzy socks, notebook & pen (to jot down questions and to-do notes), personal care items, a small flash light along with several other items.
The impact Energized by Ebony has had to the local Pediatric Oncology Clinic’s Patients has been positive and welcomed. Our social media page on Facebook often has comments from happy parents sharing the smiles their child had upon opening an Energized by Ebony - Monthly Activity Bag. Energized by Ebony receives emails, texts and videos stating how much it brightened the day and thanks Energized by Ebony for helping. When Energized by Ebony speaks with a parent/caregiver, Energized by Ebony express they are just a call or text away. Energized by Ebony’s goal is to have New Diagnosis Kits delivered 24-48 hours upon being notified. Unexpected admittance bags are delivered within hours of the call or text Energized by Ebony receives.
Energized By Ebony's mission is to provide hand sewn activity bags filled with items which allow children battling cancer to "Keep Smiling and Keep Making Memories" while in the hospital. Upon the initial diagnosis a unique bag is given to the child as well as one for the caregiver. Those bags contain many items specific for the child's age and gender while the caregiver bag consists of the personal items that may be needed/wanted during unexpected admits to the hospital.